
Posts Tagged ‘Tucson tragedy’

 Recently Arizona had a terrible tragedy in Tucson when a young man shot up a Safeway parking lot, shooting nineteen people, injuring or killing them. I won’t go into the details. Only if you live in a cave would you have missed this story and the resulting outcry and accusations. It makes me think and I realize I have no earth shaking answers to solve the problems of the world. I have more questions than answers. Actually I have a question for you. 

If you could eradicate any one thing from the world, anything, what would it be? Give it some thought. This is not an easy question. Among those I’ve asked, drugs is a common answer. OK. All drugs? Some drugs save lives. See, you need to think and be very specific. 

So, that is my question. If you could eradicate any one thing from the world, what would it be?If you have an answer, please share it. Maybe you have a better question. Share that. Everyone has a story. In your question or answer, is yours


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